I am an analytical listener learning the crafts of alternative
conflict resolution (ACR), including mediation. I help people, particularly youth, create their own re-solutions to disagreements by exploring with them the problem at hand, perhaps uncovering an issue different from what they initially identified as the disagreement. With my ACR colleagues, I work with disputants to unwrap their wants and needs and focus on what, if any, agreement they can together create and commit to. As an apt facilitator, I am learning the techniques of holding circles, particularly in community organizations.
Education and Experience
- Elder & Adult Family Mediation Training, Elder Decisions, November 2015.
- Practicum, Community Settlement Dispute Center (CDSC), Woburn and Waltham Small Claims Court, Summer-Fall 2015.
- Working with Groups in Conflict: Facilitation Skills for Mediators, Parts I and II, Public Conversations Project, held at CDSC, Cambridge, Mass., Spring 2015.
- Immigrants and Public Benefits workshop, Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, March 2015.
- Mediation Basic Training, CDSC, March 2015.